
There will be lots of information available through this blog. Many of the blog posts will be available to anyone on the internet for general guidance and I will accept general legal questions for possible inclusion on the Blog, but there is no assurance of when or if those questions will be answered. However, for those who sign up for our Membership program (a small monthly fee allows full access), there will be very detailed information, thorough analysis, and answers to more detailed questions on a consistent basis (first priority will be to responding to Members' questions).

info sign leaning 64x64There is a lot of information available online and on this website. The information is not intended as a substitute for hiring an attorney and getting specific advice on your legal issues. You are admonished not to rely on any information on this website for your legal issues or case; while the information will be as thorough as possible, law changes over time and the specific facts of your case will require unique advice. You agree that PBW Law Firm pllc is not liable for any damages for reliance on anything on this website (you must sign a working agreement to have an attorney-client relationship with all the attendant rights and the ability to rely on advice). See the DISCLAIMERS page for more information. The Blog will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • our services, costs, procedures, and availability
  • community and online resources for free or at low cost
  • review of court cases and what can be learned from them
  • information about local courts and how to easily access them
  • general instructions on required legal forms and suggested forms for court
  • general advice on various topics and how to apply that to real life
  • specific advice on various topics (Membership)
  • specific advice on required legal forms and specially created legal documents (Membership)

By submitting your questions or reading the information on this website, there will be no attorney-client relationship and you should consult an attorney for assistance. If you need specific advice, then contact me for a consultation or representation based on your needs.

Legal Costs of Winning

Posted by on Mar 13, 2016 in Blog, Court Cases, Small Business Law | Comments Off on Legal Costs of Winning

Legal Costs of Winning

Person sued by collection agency who . . . oops withdrew lawsuit after Defendant hired an attorney and proved he paid the bill already. Yet, no reimbursement of legal costs.

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Traveling employee injuries

Posted by on Mar 6, 2016 in Blog, Court Cases, Employee Law | Comments Off on Traveling employee injuries

Traveling employee injuries

When an employee travels for work they are covered by workers compensation for ALMOST all activities!

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